Our doctors are trained specialists that perform chiropractic adjustments by applying a controlled force into the spine or extremities using their hands and/or a small adjusting instrument called an activator. This treatment is done through various techniques in order to correct a joint’s alignment, motion, and/or function. Individualized adjustments are done depending on the patient history and the condition treated. This treatment improves spinal and extremity joint health, improves restricted range of motion, relieves pain from musculoskeletal injuries, and removes interference from the nervous system. Many conditions are treated including disc herniations, nerve impingement (pinched nerves), musculoskeletal complaints, sciatica, osteoarthritis, extremity injuries, etc. Spinal health is important for all people and preventative care is provided to all people even when asymptomatic.

Electrodes are placed on the skin and an electrical impulse is applied which feels like a vibration/tingling sensation. This treatment can be used to increase circulation, decrease swelling, reduce muscular spasms, and prevent muscle atrophy.

Patient lies face up on a table that has rollers moving up and down that gently lifts and separates the spinal segments. This is used to improve mobility, relieve pressure on spinal discs, and decompress the spine.

Non-invasive treatment using sound waves to penetrate soft tissues. This is used to treat pain and musculoskeletal injuries to promote tissue healing.

Specialized form of massage/myofascial release in which the practitioner uses a unique handheld instrument to break up scar tissue and areas of restriction. This provides pain relief and improves muscle function.

Non-invasive treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to relieve pain and promote tissue healing. Cold lasers (photobiomodulation) are labeled as such because they do not produce heat making them a pain-free safe treatment option. Photons enter the tissue and are absorbed by the cell’s mitochondria. The photonic energy converts to ATP. This results in physiological changes to macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, mast cells, bradykinin, and nerve conduction rates. Proteins, nucleic acids, water, and hemoglobin are all chromophores that absorb radiation. In short, this aids the body in accelerated healing of damaged tissue. Conditions treated include arthritis, extremity injuries, disc herniations, nerve impingements, sprain/strains, cartilage damage, neuromas, cysts, etc.

Our doctors are certified in Physical Therapy and will provide patients with a combination of exercises, stretches, and movements that will increase overall strength, flexibility, and mobility.